Welcome to PeaceConsciousness.org

PeaceConsciousness.org is an online e-zine. This publication provides both a forum for exchanging ideas related to peace, and for suggesting means, at all levels, to use in resolving differences between individuals, groups, nations, or even species. We will learn not only where we have common ground, but also learn to celebrate our differences, because those differences provide richness, diversity, and a continual flow of new ideas for us to consider.

March 21, 2009

A Mystery

Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Family Praising the Aten, 18th Dynasty Egypt
(14th century BCE)

When the one God exhales, we inhale Life
Which vibrates within thee and me.
Ubiquitous air is God’s gift free of strife,
A grace for all humanity.

If each soul on earth is a child of God
Which resides in a temple of flesh
Then we’re siblings all as this earth we trod
So why can’t we start afresh?

Why do we try to outdo each other
To gain a false upper hand?
Why not live as sister and brother
And in Peace abide in each land?

If what is Below should reflect what’s Above
We’d better get busy right now
To bring about that perfect Love
But it seems a mystery just how.

Our egos balk at giving up power,
At service to others we oft feign.
We’d rather not come from our ivory tower
Nor relinquish material gain.

We’ve worked too hard to achieve our place
Than to share with others our due.
Ah, but when in the mirror our conscience we face
We eventually see ourselves true.

That image is but a shadow of self
If what’s Above is real.
It’s time to put egos upon the shelf
And to our hearts appeal.

For the breath divine which ties us all
And animates all our cells
Urges, if we but hear the call,
Be a soldier of my Love, it tells.

Knight with Rose
Château D'Omonville, AMORC


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to say "We Are One" - Great Poem

Rosicrucian Library said...


mario said...

Beautifull poem, love the part about the ego...so very true...

Fr Mario

reason said...

excellent poem "The mystery" there is no better time than now to find faith in reason..