Welcome to PeaceConsciousness.org

PeaceConsciousness.org is an online e-zine. This publication provides both a forum for exchanging ideas related to peace, and for suggesting means, at all levels, to use in resolving differences between individuals, groups, nations, or even species. We will learn not only where we have common ground, but also learn to celebrate our differences, because those differences provide richness, diversity, and a continual flow of new ideas for us to consider.

April 25, 2009

Home Page Icon

Greetings Frater, Just think you should fix the spelling on the Home Page Icon (which is beautiful). We are the Rosicrucians, Hope this doesn't seem rude. Peace Profound.


Unknown said...

Greetings as well. Thank you for your advice. The spelling is beautiful indeed. Peace Profound

Unknown said...

Sorry, I think I misunderstood your comment. By "fix the spelling in your home page icon" you mean to change A.M.O.R.C. to Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo RosaeCrucis?
Peace Profound

Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

I mean Rosicrucain is actually spelled Rosicrucian. Also, our comments are incorrectly appearing on the PeaceConsciousness.org blogsite. Any idea why this would be so? Can we delete from here? Can't seem to be able to delete from the PC blogsite. Thanks.